© ASFhub
Reflections and a pillow party for a sustainable future
How can we advance the sustainable transformation of society together? How can processes of transformation be shaped in a participatory way? And how can we create new possibilities for action?
Activists from civil society, artists and scientists explored these questions as part of the Action for Sustainable Future hub (initiated by the Angewandte and the Open Innovation in Science Center at the Ludwig Boltzmann Society). After two years of working together on possibilities to participate in shaping a more sustainable future, we are both looking back and ahead: as part of an interactive mini-exhibition, we invite you to discuss the results and findings of the project teams.
We then want to reflect on what skills are learned through such inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations and what kind of perspectives are made possible. This is also embedded in artistic research, which will bring us together in an unusual way within a piece of art and then accompany us from reflection to celebration. Finally, there will also be a special take-away.
Let's celebrate together!
When? 29. November 2023, 17:30. Where? Café Exchange (in the. Kassenhalle of the Österreichische Postsparkasse), Georg-Coch-Platz 2
Please register for the event:
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Don't hesitate to contact our Project Coordinator Dr.in Dorothea Born
+43 660 3832945
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Further questions?
Don't hesitate to contact our Project Coordinator Dr.in Dorothea Born
+43 660 3832945
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