© Leo Hosp
Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond haben die ASFhub-Koordinatorin Dorothea Born zu einigen Überlegungen der letzten zwei Jahre befragt. Sie können das gesamte Interview hier lesen. Einige unserer Lieblingsauszüge finden Sie unten. Vielen Dank an das gemeinsame Team von Navigating Dizziness Together und Dizziness-A Resource!
"At the Open Innovation in Science Center we call this approach 'fund, facilitate and follow-up', the idea being that you don’t just leave the projects with the money and in the end collect a report, but that you really help them overcome issues during the runtime."
"Some learnings from the ASF hub in regards to epistemic justice and solidarity could be that a community needs to be created, a sense or feeling for community fostered. I like the term 'epistemic justice': To me, it means that different epistemic positions, experiences, and expertise can be valued in their uniqueness. They are seen for what they are, without judging them to be 'more something' and 'less something else'."
Fragen an uns?
Unsere Projektkoordinatorin Dr.in Dorothea Born steht dir gerne zur Verfügung.
+43 660 3832945
Fragen an uns?
Unsere Projektkoordinatorin Dr.in Dorothea Born steht dir gerne zur Verfügung.
+43 660 3832945
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